Web3 domains give individuals a user owned-and portable identity. Stored on the blockchain, people can use Web3 domains to:

  • Send & receive cryptocurrency
  • Build decentralized websites
  • Login to applications
  • send messages, and more

"We love to partner and help registrars offer the future of domains. Our registrar service was built to allow all companies to sell blockchain technology to provide secure, self-owned web3 domains. Reach out to us and we can help you do the same!"

Sandy Carter
COO, Unstoppable Domains

Web3 domains have the potential to not only rival but surpass the success of your current business.
Why should registrars embrace this change now?

Pavel Rodl

Sandy Carter

Charlie Lobsenz

$300M+ in sales across top web3 TLDs to date – all of which has occurred outside the traditional domain registrar channels.

$300M in Web3 Domain Sales, to date

Blockchain technology is the next iteration of tech for domain names.

The Next Iteration of Tech

5 Billion New Users

An opportunity to go after the consumer identifier market with domains for the first time opening up 5 billion new users and new use cases.

Request More Info

  • Unstoppable Domains has over 860+ integrated partners and 10 TLDs

  • We handle all the technology and infrastructure required for your registry to function smoothly.

  • Our new registrar tooling enables you to easily manage, bill, and cover all of your Web3 domain needs. Registrars can manage domains at scale through user-friendly tooling.

  • Our team of experts excels in blockchain registry architecture, particularly in smart contracts, ensuring a secure and efficient operation.

  • With a proven track record, including two smart contracts that have been live on-chain since 2019, we're a reliable and experienced partner.

  • We boast a global team that's actively developing emerging digital identity products rooted in blockchain technology, securing the future of online identity.

  • $10 per year per domain for the Vault 

  • The Unstoppable Vault is a solution that gives your users flexibility in how you store your Web3 domains. With the Vault, Unstoppable secures your domains in a private domain vault created specifically for your user.

The bottom line. Today you can have a healthy renewal stream and by 2026 we have estimated it could be 2X that of your transaction revenue with Unstoppable.

Our Partner API v3 makes it easy and fully customizable

  • Look up, claim, and manage Web3 domains and subdomains effortlessly.

  • Preview custody and registration operations, offering a zero-risk method to foresee the outcome of operations. 

  • A dedicated route to check pending domain operations, a crucial element for registrars to ensure a secure and reliable user experience.

  • Seamlessly create and manage custody wallets, ensuring the utmost security for your clients.

  • Efficiently manage domains held in both custody and self-custody wallets.

  • Enjoy a swift and seamless integration process, supported by dedicated product engineers who are committed to your success.

Give your community access to popular domains like .x,  which comes with more than 860 integrations and a suite of features. 

Unstoppable is the industry-leading Web3 domain provider with over:





Easy-to-use tools that simplify the integration process.

Team of seasoned veterans dedicated to supporting you.

New API features:

  1. Preview custody and registration operations, offering a zero-risk method to foresee the outcome of operations. 

  2. A dedicated route to check pending domain operations, a crucial element for registrars to ensure a secure and reliable user experience.
