Copyright © 2024 Unstoppable Domains Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada. All Rights Reserved.

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Log in securely to the decentralized web in just a few clicks – without compromising privacy. Share data on your own terms.

A name to log in Onchain

A name for your Web3 profile

Build your digital identity with Domain Profiles. Verify your social accounts, display your NFT avatar, and highlight achievements.

A custom and unique Profile to . . .

1. Create your own AI Avatar

2. Showcase your on-chain collectables, NFTs and badges

3. Connect with community

A name for 
getting paid

Make sending and receiving crypto simple. Replace long, complicated wallet addresses with a single easy-to-read name.


Yes. The domain is stored in your cryptocurrency wallet. After you mint your domain on the blockchain, you can transfer it anywhere you like.

We currently support over 310 cryptocurrency addresses to map to a domain name to make payments easier.

You will need to use a mirroring service, a browser extension or a browser that supports onchain domains.

Major search engines don't currently index onchain domain websites since the content is hosted on p2p networks such as IPFS.

No. Onchain domains are what’s called alternate roots. They are not part of the current DNS. We will be collaborating with Pudgy to plan and strategize for applying to the upcoming Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) general Top Level Domains (gTLD) application round in 2026. The goal is to create Web2-Web3 domain "twins," allowing users, brands, and companies to take the best from both worlds and fully leverage the power of onchain domains within the traditional Internet space.

No, not by default. Sharing ‘whois’ information is opt-in, i.e. something that you can choose to do. Otherwise, your identity will not be publicly known.

Trademark holders with proof of ownership can apply on to claim ownership of trademarked names. Unstoppable Domains does not have the ability to take back trademark domains that were already purchased & minted.

When someone types yourname.pudgy into any of the wallets that support our branded domain extensions, the wallet looks up that domain on the blockchain, finds the appropriate address, and sends the crypto to the address associated with that name. You can add your Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana addresses to your onchain domain inside of the ‘My Domains’ section at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • .Anime
  • iconapi.anime
  • iconchatbot.anime
  • icondigital.anime
  • icongenerative.anime
  • iconmachine.anime
  • iconmatrix.anime
  • iconquery.anime
  • iconrobot.anime
  • iconrobotics.anime
  • iconsimulation.anime
  • icontexttoimage.anime
  • .Austin
  • iconai.austin
  • iconaihub.austin
  • iconapi.austin
  • iconautomation.austin
  • iconautonomous.austin
  • iconchatbot.austin
  • icondeeplearning.austin
  • icondigital.austin
  • icongenerativeai.austin
  • iconknowledge.austin
  • iconlearning.austin
  • iconmachine.austin
  • iconmatrix.austin
  • iconmodel.austin
  • iconneural.austin
  • iconobject.austin
  • iconprediction.austin
  • iconquery.austin
  • iconrobot.austin
  • iconsimulation.austin
  • iconsmartai.austin
  • iconsynthetic.austin
  • iconanomaly.austin
  • icondataset.austin
  • iconbias.austin
  • iconprivacy.austin
  • .Bitcoin
  • iconn.bitcoin
  • iconnode.bitcoin
  • iconp.bitcoin
  • iconv.bitcoin
  • icondistribute.bitcoin
  • icondistributed.bitcoin
  • iconfud.bitcoin
  • .Blockchain
  • iconb.blockchain
  • iconc.blockchain
  • icont.blockchain
  • .Crypto
  • iconaicomposer.crypto
  • iconaipainting.crypto
  • iconanalysis.crypto
  • iconanomaly.crypto
  • iconautomation.crypto
  • iconbigdata.crypto
  • icondeeplearning.crypto
  • iconframework.crypto
  • icongenerative.crypto
  • icongenerativefill.crypto
  • iconknowledge.crypto
  • iconlearning.crypto
  • iconmachinelearning.crypto
  • iconneuralnetwork.crypto
  • iconobject.crypto
  • iconparameter.crypto
  • iconprompthunter.crypto
  • iconworkflow.crypto
  • iconux.crypto
  • iconui.crypto
  • iconwifi.crypto
  • iconcss.crypto
  • icongif.crypto
  • iconhttp.crypto
  • iconhttps.crypto
  • iconalgorithmic.crypto
  • iconbridging.crypto
  • icondip.crypto
  • iconmargin.crypto
  • iconsafest.crypto
  • iconsig.crypto
  • iconsignature.crypto
  • iconsystem.crypto
  • iconutxo.crypto
  • iconwrapped.crypto
  • .Manga
  • iconaiart.manga
  • icontexttoimage.manga
  • .NFT
  • iconatl.nft
  • iconcoldstorage.nft
  • iconencryption.nft
  • icongasprice.nft
  • icongateway.nft
  • iconhalving.nft
  • iconhardfork.nft
  • iconhash.nft
  • iconhotwallet.nft
  • iconico.nft
  • iconleverage.nft
  • iconliquidity.nft
  • iconmasternode.nft
  • iconpaperwallet.nft
  • iconseed.nft
  • iconsig.nft
  • iconsignature.nft
  • .Secret
  • iconartificialintelligence.secret
  • iconquantum.secret
  • iconsingularity.secret
  • iconintelligence.secret
  • .Wallet
  • iconchatbot.wallet
  • iconmachinelearning.wallet
  • iconturingtest.wallet
  • iconalgorithm.wallet
  • .X
  • icon0.x
  • icon5.x
  • icon6.x
  • icon7.x
  • icon8.x
  • icon9.x
  • iconi.x
  • icono.x
  • iconsynthetic.x
  • iconusb.x
  • iconhtml.x
  • iconbigdata.x
  • iconanomaly.x
  • iconalgorithmic.x
  • iconblockreward.x
  • icondyor.x
  • iconreinforcement.x
  • iconclassification.x
  • .Pudgy
  • iconai.pudgy
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How do I transfer my domain after purchasing from

How to Transfer My Domain After Purchasing from

Step 1: Purchase Your Domain

After completing your purchase, the domain(s) will be claimed to your wallet by default for you.

Step 2: Withdraw Your Domain

You will then need to withdraw your NFT to a non-custodial wallet (Metamask, Defi wallet, Atomic wallet or equivalent)

Step 3: Link Your Non-Custodial Wallet to Unstoppable Domains

Please log into your Unstoppable Domains account or sign up for an account if you do not have one already. You can log in or sign up here:

Once signed into your UD account, you will need to connect your wallet:

  1. Click on the Profile icon (Account Menu) towards the top right of the homepage.
  2. Select Account Settings from the dropdown.
  3. Click + Add Wallet.
  4. On the .crypto tab, select and sign using your wallet method to connect your wallet to your account.
  5. Enter the verification code sent to your email address or 2FA if previously added.

Your wallet has been connected to your UD account.

Step 4: Manage Your Domain

With your non-custodial wallet connected to your UD account, you can select the “manage” option next to your domain to set records for your domain.

You can see all the ways to utilize your domain by visiting our Help Center 

If you have further questions on how to manage your domain, please contact